Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Getting organized

I've been trying to get all my pictures in photo albums, I feel like I'm nesting or something ;)
I guess I'm preparing for the worst and hoping for the best for Taylor's recovery. The doctor says recovery will be "hell" how do you prepare yourself for that?
This is one of my favorite pictures of Tay while he was still walking, he was 4 months shy of 5 years old.


Noah And Kai said...

So cute! We used to love having him come down and play with us when we lived in those apartments! He's such a doll!

Misty said...

He is a handsome kid... I think so anyway :)

Misty said...

It seems just like yesterday Tay was hanging out with you guys and playing with Josh's Star Wars

Judy said...

Oh, that's about when I still got to play with you guys. I just loved being with you and your kids. They were so adorable!

Misty said...

We've missed you too Judy!